Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc.
Meeting of the Board of Directors
June 5, 2003
1. Meeting called to order 6:15pm EST (board members in attendance: Bob Raiser,
Yvonne Chipman, Steve Goodman, Peter King, Beth Marten, Cameron Winship). Visiting
club members: Al Salazar, Barbara Salazar, Bob Negard, Scott Hinkley, Rebecca
2. Minutes from previous board meeting approved
3. Treasurer Report: David is not in attendance so Beth passed out the treasurer report. Discussion regarding repayment of $2,000 to capital fund. Board decided to defer this discussion until next month when David Harsh will be available. Dues are due in July but invoices do not go out until the following month usually. Beth will contact Dave regarding this discrepancy. We will also discuss refunding the capital account.
4. Report on work being done on boats by Bob and Scott. The Schoenbrod will be ready after new knees and shoes are installed (end of June).
5. DCF row: Peter King reported that the training session on the Saturday morning went very well. All of the DCF employees were very happy and Alecia was very happy as well. He reported that the biggest improvement could be realized by having some kind of pre-education (reading) given to the employees so they understand the rowing language. Five people came back for sculling lessons. Steve and Beth will try to follow up with those people. Barbara is helping with training the Riverhouse people and will be scheduling a session within a week. We are 100% meeting our contract so far this year.
6. Website: Cameron discussed how the website is evolving. He would like an
equipment list, member only access to member information, etc.. Rebecca has
been working on a calendar for the website. Scott has expressed interest in
teaching the Saturday morning novice rowing session (which will be added to
the calendar - the 21st will be the first day of the class). A discussion ensued
regarding the benefit of having a ".org" address. A short catchy name
would be better for advertising purposes (e.g. newspapers, banner on dock or
boathouse, etc.) our own domain would also supply us w/JRC e-mail addressees.
Steve expressed concern that the website does not appeal to new members. The
cost of the website will be $35 for domain registration and about $100 a year
for hosting. Rebecca will look for the cheapest hosting price possible. JAXROW
or JAXROWING.ORG were the possibilities with preference given to the shorter
name. Peter will e-mail an equipment list to Beth. Beth set a goal of mid-July
to have a calendar on the web page.
7. Bob Negard: he strongly recommended that the club have a box of scrubbies and sponges to clean the boats, as well as Softscrub cleanser for the boats since they are getting brown. Sweeping is also important to keep the leaves out. A discussion ensued regarding sun exposure on the blades. Scott felt that is was not a huge problem. However, Bob and Scott will try to make a cover and/or provide a better storage solution.
8. Dr. Salazar: reported on the dock situation. Apparently Peter House is having difficulty with his friend who committed to building the ramp portion. Doc also asked about giving Peter House and his family a lifetime membership. Barbara wanted to emphasize that "lifetime" has traditionally meant 15 years. This will be a matter for the board to discuss in the future.
9. Youth Program: Barbara reported that she has 12 athletes that have paid. The season was finished May 10. At state championships the men made finals and got a bronze medal. First end of year party went well. Barbara is still looking for the award plaque. The program will soon have its first 4-year long youth member and she proposed that we develop something to give to them after four years. Barbara is working on another program to fund youth rowing such as corporations donating scholarships. The youth program has a surplus of roughly $3,000 at this point. Barb will do a summer youth program is there are at least 10 kids.
10. Membership: Steve reported that membership has been disappointing
11. Coaching: Scott has agreed to help us with coaching this summer.
12. Peter King submitted a check from Rebecca Kildow to Beth Martin for $100
13. Meeting adjourned 8:00pm EST